Therapy for Individuals

individuals large

 Strengths-based crisis prevention, healing, and transformation in adults experiencing a variety of everyday stress and ongoing social, environmental, and/or mental health challenges. These include signs and symptoms of spiritual fatigue, life transitions, burnout, and relational, institutional, and identity-related issues. If you are seeking support and you think counseling might be a good fit, We are here for you. Brian Kimmel is a fully licensed mental health counselor (LMHC) and registered dance/movement therapist (R-DMT). We can offer you a variety of skills and experiences to pull from.

More Than Talk

Talk therapy is not the only path to healing and transformation. In our work together we can explore numerous paths including creativity through the arts and body-mind practice. What we do in session depends on you and the skills and talents you bring to this path of healing. In our increasingly busy and virtual world, most of us rarely find the opportunity to slow down and pay attention to our inner lives. Our body-centered therapy allows us to deepen our conversation by focusing on your experience of inhabiting a physical body in the here and now. The body is never silent; through sensations, expressions, postures, gestures, and fidgets it "speaks" in a language that carries deep personal meaning. Likewise, the body "remembers" much that the mind may not.  When we stop to listen to ourselves, our cells begin to talk. This listening is what makes body-mind and a neuro-informed approach so helpful. Often our minds can run faster than our bodies can. Slowing down or speeding up to synchronize our body and mind can help us to regain our sense of harmony and choice. The body’s language and listening to its profound memory can grant us access to the core wounds and core strengths affecting our current lives. 

What Happens in a Session?

Everyone is different. Because of this, our sessions differ depending on the individual we are working with. Our therapy will include supportive dialogue exploring the themes in your life that feel painful or stuck. Likewise, we explore the avenues of support you have already given yourself and the strategies you have already employed in your life. Our therapies include abundant opportunities to slow down and attend to how these issues occur in you in real time. They also can supercharge you if you are feeling unmotivated and stuck by helping you to plug into core values, strengths, and a deeper sense of purpose. No experience with mindfulness or meditation is required. Two or three sessions are often needed to learn the somatic process that we practice. But no commitment to any set of sessions is required. We only ask that you come to the session prepared to engage with an open mind in the process. 

The Results Depend on You

Becoming curious and accepting toward parts of our lives that have felt unacceptable or shameful
Identifying and understanding survival strategies and how they have impacted our lives
Rewiring the neural pathways behind limiting beliefs and habitual, autonomic responses
Studying how certain habitual holding patterns and bodily movements perpetuate anxiety, dissociation, and disease
Learning how to respond tenderly and with fierce compassion rather than avoid discomfort, fragility, anguish, fear, and despair
Experimenting with new ways of moving, communicating, and relating that change limiting tendencies into resilient and more integerous truths.

Therapists I have seen before never asked me the kinds of questions Brian . I feel deeply seen and heard.

Patrick B.